Flaviyake practicing

When I practice my songs with choreography I have to split the rehearsal in two days in order to practice all of them, because I find it too much for my voice to repeat each song several times in order to improve movements. ‘The Magic Hit’ is the trickiest one, as there are no gaps in my vocal part and dancing at all, which always makes me thrifty on stage.

Practicing choreography without singing is not an option, as it feels absolutely different, while the memory of feelings is very important for a live performance…

Nice footage from my upcoming film:

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The process of filming two short films about Flaviyake

Two films were filmed about my music project yesterday in both English and Russian languages. In those films, I’m telling about my artist journey, life mission, mysterious signs of destiny, the Flaviyake fashion style and my iconic fringe.
I hope people will understand better the personality behind the Flaviyake project by watching those films.

We also filmed our working process with my Austrian sound engineer Johannes Heel.DSC06674DSC06676DSC06679

I’m not a freak. I’m just a genius.

After attending fashion shows of my friends, fashion designers, I realised that knowing me and reading my blog make them pay attention to neckline design. I suppose when my book about fashion collars has been published once, it may change the world of fashion, or at least the way of thinking of many designers.

I cant’ change the world, but I can change the world of fashion!

Your Collar Lady and electro singer Flaviyake.